PHP design patterns (Creational : part 2)

Michael Manga
1 min readDec 8, 2020

Let’s continue in our exploration of PHP data structures.

In the first episode, we talked about the “simple factory” pattern.

Now, we’ll go into a slightly more advanced structure.

Let’s talk about the Factory method:

The point of this pattern , can be compressed into one word : delegation.

Let’s imagine that just got an access to play to your favorite heroic fantasy video game.

Imagine there are 2 classes of characters to chose from :

  • Warriors
  • Druids

You decided to share the access of your account to two of your friends.

One of your friends like to play Warriors , while the other one likes to play Druids.

Here the character classes :

interface Character {public function attack();
class Warrior implements Character {public function attack(){echo 'the warrior attacks';}
class Druid implements Character {

public function attack(){
echo 'the Druid attacks'; }}

Let’s use an abstract class , representing the idea of delegation.

abstract class player{    abstract protected function createCharacter(): Character;      public function attack(){         $character = $this->createCharacter();
}class friendA extends player{ protected function createCharacter(){ return new Warrior();
}class friendB extends player{ protected function createCharacter(){ return new Thief(); }}

Now, you have 2 different friends, allowed to perform actions as a player. But even though they structurally use similar functions, they implement these functions in different fashions. They actually build distinct characters.

$friendA = new FriendA();$friendA->attack(); //Output : the warrior attacks$friendB = new FriendB();$friendB->attack(); //Output : the Druid attacks

