The only valid measurement of code quality

Michael Manga
1 min readApr 12, 2020

As a web developer, I propose you to break down(several times a week) ,

key concepts taken from worldwide developers, or engineers , in a very brief way.

I finally had the opportunity to dive into the the book “clean code” from Robert Martin.

There are tons of concepts I want to highlight from this book, and I think here is the perfect place for that.

For today’s article, we’ll address one of the first concepts of the book :

The only measurement of code quality : wtf minutes

Robert Martin points out how important it is for developers to understand that no matter how experienced, talented developers are, reading other people’s code is way harder than reading their own.

There are so much steps, layers of complexity…that reading someone else ‘s code always leads to this reaction : “WTF…”.

But that’s precisely where he differenciates the good code , from the bad one :

The bad one will most likely be received that way by the individuals reviewing it :

“WTF…wTF…what the…what? I need a break. Where does…oh what? No, No… Whhhaaattt”…

while the excellent one will simply trigger a reaction similar to this : “WTF…wtf?”.

I thought this was a very funny, but very important concept to keep in mind , when designing the architecture of our code.

